Scientific advisory board
The FAL Advisory Board consisting of three Russian and three Norwegian senior scientists evaluates the proposals and select candidates. The priority in selection of candidates will first of all be based on quality and relevance to the topics described at ( Annex ). Also, the qualifications of the scholar and her/his supervisors will be considered in the evaluation. The period of the projects' financial support will be up to 2 years covering the period of 2004-05. An evaluation of all projects and candidates will be done after one year and if progress is
successful decision about prolongation will be done. The candidates will use FAL facilities at AARI as working place.
The Polar Environmental Centre
NO-9296 Tromso, Norway
Phone: +47 77 75 05 00
Fax: +47 77 75 05 01
The Polar Environmental Centre
NO-9296 Tromso, Norway
Phone: +47 77 75 05 16
Fax: +47 77 75 05 01
P.O. Box 156, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway
Fax: 47 79 02 33 01
Prof. Alexander Makshtas Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet
38, Bering str. St.Petersburg 199397, Russia
Prof. Zalman M. Gudkovich Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet
38, Bering str. St.Petersburg 199397, Russia
Phone: 7 812 352 21 46
Fax: 7 812 352 26 85
Prof. Dr. Lev N. Karlin Russian State Hydrometeorological University
82, Maloohtinskiy ave. 195196 St. Petersburg Russia
Phone: 7 812 444 41 63
Fax: 7 812 444 60 90
"Fram" Arctic Climate Research Laboratory